here are some things I built.
368+ aids California law enforcement in cases of suspected elder abuse.
Contains a full reference guide to penal code 368 and reporting forms. Maintains a state-wide registry of support agencies, organized by county.
###Key tech:
ClassTracks empowers language teachers with time-saving vocabulary practice and lesson assessment tools.
Teachers create units of vocab then link and assign to all students in a course through the app interface.
Students use the practice mode of the app, set up like a card game with language audio functionality. Progress is saved, giving the teacher insight into where to allocate classroom instruction time.
Contributions include implementing new features and UI/UX enhancements across the app.
###Key tech:
GeoMuze turns location search terms into song track recommendations.
Searches Spotify and MusixMatch, displaying results on a custom Google map. User can keep a list of favorites. Links song previews and lyrics if available.
###Key tech:
U-guider helps Nanodegree students find and answer program-related questions.
Topics updated daily by the server. A click counter and life bar in each post directs attention to needy topics. LinkedIn account authorizes User-submissions and ranking privileges.
###Key tech: